Services We Offer


  • Wellness and Preventative Medicine – Vaccinations, in-house laboratory, screening bloodwork, and parasite prevention.

  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic Service - In-house complete blood count, bloodwork, urinalysis; hospitalization

  • Surgical Service - A wide variety of surgical procedures are available, including a laser surgical unit is used for most surgical procedures including declaws

  • Anesthesia – Anesthesia or sedation available; utilizing safe anesthetics and monitoring to provide an extra margin of safety, especially for our older or high-risk patients.

  • Internal Medicine – Ultrasound, blood pressure, ECG(electrocardiogram), in-house bloodwork  (reference laboratory available); aids in quicker answers to medical needs

  • Radiology - aids in a quick diagnosis of many disorders

  • Dentistry - cleaning, dental radiography, tooth extractions, minor oral surgery

  • Laboratory - Idexx Laboratory diagnostics Service for in-house and reference laboratory

  • Permanent Identification - microchip placement and registration

  • Pharmacy - complete inventory of pharmaceuticals, shampoos, flea and tick preventions, heartworm prevention

  • Acupuncture - dry needle or electrostimulation available; cold laser therapy to enhance treatment

  • Chiropractic Care - cold laser therapy to enhance treatment

  • Dietary - special need diets available

  • Emergency Care - limited emergency care to stabilize for transport to an overnight emergency care facility

  • Geriatric Medicine – Pain management options/education, blood work screening, thyroid testing, blood pressure monitoring.

  • End of Life - Counseling and euthanasia; cremation options available
